Preliminary Program

International Otology Disorders Academy

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The 8th International Sleep Disorder Congress

Buenos Aires, Argentina | 6 - 9 April 2025

08:30 - 10:00
Hall 1
Expert conference: Respiratory Intermediate Care Unit
RICU: What's in a Name?
Stefano Nava, Italy
Setting a RICU.
Manel Lujan, Spain
Round Table.
RICU Experiences Europe: Italy, France, Spain
(Manel Lujan, Stefano Nava, Joao Carlos Winck)
Iberoamerica: Argentina
(Carlos Franceschini), Chile (TBA)
Hall 2
Chair: Edilson
Comprehensive OSA Treatment by the Otolaryngologist.
Ofer Jacobowitz, USA
Original Model of Polysomnography in Rural Areas: Epidemiologic Aspects.
Jean Baptiste Maldent, France
DISE- the Proper Use of a Diagnostic Instrument.
Luciana Real, Argentina
Why Sleep Surgery?
Edilson Zancanella, Brazil
Hall 3
Chair: Pierre Escourrou
Multidisciplinary Medical Management of Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Ari Chaouat, France
The GENIOGLOSSUS MUSCLE : Savior of the Modern Man (Physiopathology , Evolution about 7 Million Years)
Pierre Jean Monteyrol, France
Should We Redefine Sleep Apnea Syndrome?
A Physio-Pathological Sight on a Debatable Issue
Eyal Rosenzweig, Israel
10:00 - 10:10
10:20 - 11:50
NIV from Hospital to Home
NIV in Acute Respiratory Failure: State of The Art.
Jean Michel Arnal, France
Home NIV Following an Acute Respiratory Failure.
What patients?
Claudio Rabec, Switzerland
Discharging Home of the High Dependent Patient.
Eduardo de Vito, Argentina
Nose and OSAS 1
Chair: Ofer Jacobowitz
Treating the Nose for Sleep.
Ofer Jacobowitz, USA
Role of Nasal Surgery in PAP Therapy.
Nicolas Busaba, USA
The Effect of Nasal Surgery on Snoring: Prospective Controlled Study.
Tal Marshak, Israel
Chair: Yves Dauvilliers
Central Sleep Apnea: What Tell us recent Cohort Studies
Marie Pia D’Ortho, France
NREM Parasomnia: The Place of Medical Hypnosis
Geoffroy Solelhac, Switzerland
Cardiovascular Risks and RLS Versus PLMS
Yves Dauvilliers, France
11:50 - 12:10
12:10 - 13:40
Difficult Weaning
Difficult Weaning. The Intensivist Vision.
Jean Michel Arnal, France
Difficult Weaning: The Pulmonologist Vision.
Sarah Heili, Spain
Setting a Weaning Unit.
Eduardo de Vito, Argentina
Pediatric OSAS 1
Chair: Steve Amado
Adenoids and Tonsils: after “ectomy” then “tomy” what about “nothing” or…CPAP?
Pierre Jean Monteyrol, France
Surgical Failure in Children.
Steve Amado, Colombia
Pros and Cons:
Pediatric DISE: Do we Need to do it for every Patient?
PJ Monteyrol, O.Jacobowitz, J. Crespo
Sleep Hypersomnia
Chair: Marie Pia D’Ortho
Diagnostic Criteria of Hypersomnia and Narcolepsy: Where do we Stand?
Lucie Barateau, France
Orexin Recetors: A new Target to Treat Hypersomnolence and Insomnia.
Yves Dauvilliers, France
Sleep, Sleepiness, and Obesity: Unravelling the Connections.
Lucie Barateau, France
13:40 - 14:30
12:10 - 13:40
Workshop 1:
Bridging the Gap:
Transitioning NIV from Hospital to Home
Workshop 2:
Exploring Sleep Hypersomnia:
Current Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies
08:30 - 10:00
Hall 1
Patient Ventilator Synchrony: An Update
Patient Ventilator Synchrony. Who Makes What
Sarah Heili, Spain
Asynchronies in NIV
Jean-Paul Janssens, Switzerland
How to Improve Patient Ventilator Synchrony.
Joao Carlos Winck, Portugal
New Technologies in Evaluating Patient Ventilator Synchrony.
Manel Lujan, Spain
Hall 2
Chair: Jolie Crespo
Snoring a Real Problem: Prevalence and Clinical Impacts.
Edilson Zancanella, Brazil
Beyond the IAH.
Edilson Zancanella, Brazil
Evaluation and Management of Residual Sleepiness in Sleep Apnea, French Recommendations and ...What's new?
Lucie Barateau, France
AOS Residual en Pediatria o Adultos
P. Mazei, Argentina
Hall 3
Update on CPAP Treatment
Chair: Claudio Rabec, Switzerland
APAP for Treating OSAS: Critical Review.
Claudio Rabec, Switzerland
New Adherence Definition.
Vivian Leske, Argentina
10:00 - 10:10
10:20 - 11:50
Home NIV : How to Set, How to Follow Up
Indications on Home NIV. State of the Art.
Jean Paul Janssens, Switzerland
How to Set NIV.
Sarah Heili, Spain
Where to Set NIV
Joao Carlos Winck, Portugal
How to Monitor NIV.
Claudio Rabec, Switzerland
SLEEP: AI and Connected Devices Chair: Uri Alkan
Big Data in Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Implications for Diagnosis and Followup.
Pierre Escourrou, France
AI and OSAS Diagnosis.
Maxime Elbaz, France
The Use of Connected Objects for the Follow-up of CPAP and MAD.
Pierre Escourrou, France
Validated Connected Devices for OSAS Diagnosis.
Maxime Elbaz, France
OSAS and Associated Pathologies 2
Chair: Ari Chaouat
OSA and the Metabolic Syndrome
Nicolas Busaba, USA
Sleep in Chronic Kidney Disease
Marie Pia D'Ortho, France
COPD and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders
Ari Chaouat, France
Relationship between Autonomic Nervous System and Heart Diseases for OSAS.
Fabrice Thoin, France
11:50 - 12:10
12:10 - 13:40
Technologies in Treating Respiratory Failure. Old and New.
NIV: What ‘s New.
Jean Paul Janssens, Switzerland
High Flow Therapy.
Stefano Nava, Italy
Servo Assisted Ventilation.
Claudio Rabec, Switzerland
Clearance Secretions.
Jean Michel Arnal, France
Chair: Marie Pia D’Ortho
COMISA: A New Funny Term or a Very Serious Entity to be Taken into Account in Cardiovascular Health.
Geoffroy Solelhac, Switzerland
COMISA: Not So New, but a Challenge, still.
Marie Pia D'Ortho, France
Pros and Cons:
What to Treat First: OSA or INSOMNIA?
G. Solelhac, Switzerland/ P.Escourrou, France
Pediatric OSAS 2 Chair: Patricia Franco
Bone and Brain about Hight Resistance Breathing in Childhood.
Pierre Jean Monteyrol, France
Ten years TROS: Cardiovascular Diseases at Twenty?
Fabrice Thoin, France
Obesity and Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children.
Vivian Leske, Argentina
Comorbid Insomnia in Children with Sleep Apnea.
Patricia Franco, France
Characterization of Children with Specific Learning Disorders and Sleep Complaints.
Patricia Franco
13:40 - 14:30
12:10 - 13:40
Workshop 3:
Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Health: An Integrated View
Workshop 4:
The Role of Nasal Surgery in Sleep Breathing Disorders
08:30 - 10:00
Hall 1
OSAS related with:
Chair: Frederic Chabolle
Allergy Rhinitis and Sleep Disorders: A Tangled Web.
Nathalie Cynamon Aisenberg, France
Links between Ophthalmologic Diseases and OSAS.
Marc Blumen, France
Hall 2
OSAS and Surgery
Chair: Uri Alkan
Tailored Sleep Surgery.
Jolie Crespo, Panama
Combined Therapy for OSA.
Steve Amado, Colombia
Multilevel Surgery: Useful Tool when you Know How to Use it.
Alberto Rabino, Argentina
Barbed Suture Pharyngoplasty.
Sebastian Lopez, Argentina
Role of Tingue Base in OSA.
Anand Ragu, India
10:00 - 10:10
10:20 - 11:50
Nose and OSAS 2 Chair: Rodolfo Lugo, Mexico
Role of the Nose in Sleep Disordered Breathing
Nicolas Busaba, USA
Does Nose Surgery Improve Breathing Sleep Disorders?
Jolie Crespo, Panama
The Effect of Endoscopic Nasal Surgery on OSA
Sari Rothman, Israel
Round Table:
Moderator: Nicolas Busaba
Management of Nose in OSAS
Nicola Busaba, Jolie Crespo, Marc Blumen, Alice De Sanctis, Joachim Maurer, Rodolfo Lugo, Ofer Jacobowitz
Non CPAP Treatment Chair: Marc Blumen
Positional treatment and OSAS.
Marc Blumen, France
Sleep Apnea and Oral Appliance: Choice of Device in France and Therapeutic Strategy.
Darius Abedipour, France
Mandibular Advancement Devices. Protocol and Ortognathic Surgery.
Jose Abdullatif, Argentina
Round Table:
Moderator: Edilson Zancanella / Uri Alkan
Oral Appliance Device around the World: Comparison of Different Clinical Practices.
E. Zancanella, D. Abedipour, J. Maurer, R. Lugo, U. Alkan, J. Crespo, O. Jacobowitz
11:50 - 12:10
12:10 - 13:40
The Future of Sleep Medicine/ WORKSHOP
Round Table:
P. Escourrou, M. Elbaz, L. Barateau, Y. Dauvilliers, MP D’Ortho, O. Jacobowitz
Women and OSAS Chair: Nathalie Cynamon Aisenberg
The Impact of Maternity and Womens Sleep.
Jolie Crespo, Panama
How to Approach Sleep Disturbances in Women?
Jolie Crespo, Panama
Infertility and Sleep Disorders.
Nathalie Cynamon Aisenberg
13:40 - 14:30

Preliminary Program